Wednesday 16 March 2011

Real Life Superheroes Costumes and you.

One of the first things I noticed about these sub-humans was, not only are they goody goodies out looking for trouble and about two words and one step away from a stab wound or two but they also have a terrible sense of fashion (no homo)
Lets have a look at some of these folks shall we?
Damn, you can use your lasso of truth on me any time.
What do most of these people do? Well they do hand-outs and give food and clothing to bums and seek to fight injustice in their neighborhood by telling loiterers to 'Stay warm'. Nyx, the saucy little minx in the red bra, mesh shirt and goth get-up hands out clothing to homeless people on her 'Patrols' - I think you should worry about getting clothes for yourself before handing them out, seriously, cover up. 
Some of these other guys I'd sooner think were working for the legion of doom as opposed to the RLSH, think you have enough 'Dark Knights'? What's with some of you chuds and the whole 'I'm batman' routine, if I was a homeless person I'd  think you were a bunch of thugs as opposed to vigilantes.

The rest have the super-hero motif down atleast, cape and tights galore, problem is, it looks silly! and not 'Oh its silly ironically' no its fucking silly. Just because Ol'Supes and Captain America look good in tights, doesn't mean you guys do, What looks good in comics doesn't translate well to the real life I'm afraid.

Lets not even mention this dude, a fedora, a kaedo mask, and a sweater vest... JUSTICE HIPSTER! HE WAS BRINGING JUSTICE BEFORE IT WAS COOL! He's actually got a real hipster name too, its just Life... Ooo Deep... deep as a puddle on the side of the road. I think you and Mick Foley should get together to come up with better super hero names.

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