Sunday 27 February 2011

Just to clarify.

I'm not some rage filled villain, I have some class and intelligence.

With that, I should point out I have a certain amount of respect for the RCSM.

I have no respect for anyone affiliated with the RLSH group however.

Come on, you don't need a mask to hand out food, you attention-whores.

Drama that reads like Highschool all over again.

Well, even before I started this, and even before I heard of it, There has always been infighting and drama within the RLSH world.

Most recently between it (RLSH) and the Rain City Superhero Movement. I'm led to believe that everything is hunky dory right now according to Knight Owl's rebuttal to the Wall Street Journals article on the 'Civil War'

Civil War? Don't make me laugh, You capes are to goody goody to even think about actually fighting each other, On the internet you may seem tough, but I'd bet real money you'd rather just sit on your forum circle jerk and talk about how you handed out a blanket to some bum, while other 'heroes' pat you on the back, instead of starting a real war.

So I guess it really burns your asses when people like Phoenix Jones and the RCSM go out and do some real crime fighting and gets all the attention, while you all play 'Super-humanitarian' and are labeled as petty whiners in the news. It would explain why most of you come off as Elitist punks when someone who just wants to be Bat Man comes on your forum looking for info and support.

I really look forward to reading some more of the Drama, It makes my job a lot easier, and just remember. If it weren't for all of you, none of us would be here, remember that.


So out of boredom I was thinking of coming up with some fake rumors to muddy Blue Sparrow's good name.



The boys in the slander department are working hard, but we'll get something that really hits home I'm sure of it.

The man behind the death of the man of steel

I don't normally get out to enjoy the finer civilian things in life, my kind of a Saturday night is sitting back with a cup of tea, Catcher and the rye, and a hand gun (just in case), but today I got out to enjoy a comic store I frequent by the name of Unreal City. It was their second anniversary and a local cafe was hosting its party. So I decided to bless their life with my presence.

However I was not the only Star super villain there, No no! For  you comic book nerds out there, I got to shake hands and have a nice conversation with one of the worlds most famous villains... Yes, Tom Grummet, one of the architects behind the Death of Superman.

My first question was how did you do it? He babbled about wanting to do something shocking to the comic universe, I kind of tuned him out and added in that he built his own death ray.

Note to self: Steal Tom Grummet's plans for his death ray...

Anyway, not much else to report so I will call this meeting adjourned.

P.S. - Blue Sparrow sucks.. (and swallows) [/maniacal laugh]

Friday 25 February 2011

A Chat with Pheonix Jones.

BM:With all the infighting amongst you heroes, ether its just tabloid gossip or not, there won't be much left for us villains.


BM:Sometimes I prefer the term Lawyer.. or Businessman.

Phoenix is offline.

More on this as it develops. Might take awhile though, have to wait for Jones to develop alittle more in the brain section first.

Second day on the job

So today was relatively interesting, its still the 25th of February as I write this and I must say, for a regular every day Friday it was pretty enjoyable.
First I finally got in touch with that seattle bird-brain Blue Sparrow and tormented her alittle, she was alittle worse for wear the poor thing, alittle on the illiterate side I think, but that's Americans for you.

But who else do I have to choose from? the only person near me is some fool named Anonyman and he's only 15. What can a grown man do to mess with a 15 year old? find him outside after school and give him a wedgie. I have henchmen for that, damnit!

Oh well, I'm sure Blue Swallows will provide lots of fun for me in the mean time.

IN other news, I managed to get alot done, I've recruited some "Interns" today, I can't really use the term Henchmen on paper, tax reasons and junk, plus I think it could be considered slave labor, I don't know, I'm trying to cover all my bases so I don't get arrested so early in the game. They're now working around the manor, one of them was a butler in a past job, so I asked him if he'd be okay with that, but now I have to pay him a butlers salary... gotta take the bad with the good though, Davis (my butler) sure knows how to make a mean cheese burger.

A fellow villain, Magnus Obsidian, a mad scientist if there ever was one, has agreed to build me a suit of power armor, Needless to say I am excited.

Stephen Colbert is secretly Guy Fawkes.

They are anonymous, they are legion
Last night on the Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert talked about the internet guardian Anonymous, Anonymous recently tore into an HBGary Cyber Security Officer Aaron Barr, Barr called down the thunder when he posted that he had real names and photos of The leaders of Anonymous.

I think someone forgot to tell Mr. Barr that Anonymous has no leaders, it is legion.

Anyway, Anonymous flicked away that small tick by hacking his site, hacking his email, and remotely erasing his Ipad.

This is nothing new, while most of Anonymous is lazy 14 year old's posting on an image board 'for teh lulz'. Alot of anonymous are what the internet called "Hacktivist", and some of these guys are down right nasty. I'd like to think of them as real maniacal internet super villains.

But this isn't the reason for this post, the reason for this post is, Stephen Colbert touched on the subject and had on one of HBGary's targets from the whole Wikileaks fiasco on the show. It was a normal segment right up until closer to the end where a Guy Fawkes mask was superimposed for half a second over Colbert's face.

When I saw it, You can be damn sure I laughed my proverbial balls off.

So does this mean Colbert is just looking for 'the lulz'?

or does Colbert support Anonymous?

They are legion after all.

For any new RLSV and RLSH

Treat everyone you meet with dignity and respect.

but always have a plan to kill them.

Pheonix Jones: On the way to creating REAL Super Villains?

Hello again fellow Villains and meddling heroes.
A new friend of mine who I've been talking to this evening pointed me in the direction of the topic I'm about to touch on.

You see, I am what some would call a newbie in the world of Super Villainy, however I am no virgin when it comes to the antics of the RLSH, especially ones like Pheonix Jones.
Pheonix I admire the heck out of what your stance is, Honestly I do, You're absolutely right when you say "If you're going to drive a fire truck, people are going to expect you to put out fires. If you dress up like a superhero, people are going to expect you to fight crime."
Why dress up in a Swat Helmet and kevlar vests if you're going to hand out bags of doritos to the slums.

but Pheonix, your actions and your shall we say "Bat-man" ways are going to get you into trouble. Sure now us Villains may just sit back and let the petty thugs take care of you, but what happens when someone decides "No, these punks are a dime a dozen... but me, I think this Pheonix Jones guy needs to be taken down" and makes it their new vendetta to take you out. He might not get you the first time, he might not get you the next, but that's the thing about super villains is they won't stop trying till the job is done.
What happens when one day you're patrolling with your friends and a legion of doom-esque group shows up with deadly weapons, just because they don't like what you're doing. What then Pheonix Jones? will you call 911? will you tase them? That might only serve to make them angrier and more determined in the next go

but I digress, I don't even know if I'm making sense, Who knows.

The world is already full of Bad People, Mr Jones, Mafia thugs, Petty Punks, Pedophiles, and Fox news reporters... how will you feel when your actions make more?

Greetings and Salutations, Evil Fiends and Do-Gooders alike.

My Name is Bad Moon.

Warboss Bad Moon.

You might remember me from nowhere as I haven't done anything particularly EVIL yet. However that may soon change.

This blog is mostly just a little soap box for the RLSH and RLSV's to read if they so choose.

Atlittle bit about myself, I enjoy puppies, long walks on the beach, and things that go BOOM.

But that's enough about me, LETS TALK ABOUT ME. Actually, no scratch that.

Lets talk about a RLSH named Blue Sparrow.

Blue Sparrow, the blue haired, leather clad enchantress from Seattle, this little minx has caught my attention since day one (which was yesterday) posting a want ad like a desperate house wife on the RLSV facebook page, looking oh so hard for someone to fight.

Well Miss Sparrow, Seattle is such a quiet little town, what with that rubber fetishist Pheonix Jones around, why not come to quiet little saskatoon, all we have is Anonyman, whoever he is (See what I did there?) Maybe we could have a jolly little chase across its seamy underbelly and you can try to foil my plans, which I doubt will happen since my plans are flawless.

You know how to reach me.

For those of you who don't I have a facebook. (who doesn't these days) I will gladly add you if you wish to talk villainly, or if you're a hero and wish to banter.