Friday 25 February 2011

Stephen Colbert is secretly Guy Fawkes.

They are anonymous, they are legion
Last night on the Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert talked about the internet guardian Anonymous, Anonymous recently tore into an HBGary Cyber Security Officer Aaron Barr, Barr called down the thunder when he posted that he had real names and photos of The leaders of Anonymous.

I think someone forgot to tell Mr. Barr that Anonymous has no leaders, it is legion.

Anyway, Anonymous flicked away that small tick by hacking his site, hacking his email, and remotely erasing his Ipad.

This is nothing new, while most of Anonymous is lazy 14 year old's posting on an image board 'for teh lulz'. Alot of anonymous are what the internet called "Hacktivist", and some of these guys are down right nasty. I'd like to think of them as real maniacal internet super villains.

But this isn't the reason for this post, the reason for this post is, Stephen Colbert touched on the subject and had on one of HBGary's targets from the whole Wikileaks fiasco on the show. It was a normal segment right up until closer to the end where a Guy Fawkes mask was superimposed for half a second over Colbert's face.

When I saw it, You can be damn sure I laughed my proverbial balls off.

So does this mean Colbert is just looking for 'the lulz'?

or does Colbert support Anonymous?

They are legion after all.

1 comment:

  1. You misspelled "legion" in your photo caption.

    Yeah, I saw that too and had a good chuckle. I love Stephen Colbert.

    There's an article about Colbert's relationship with Anonymous here.
